Today, my boyfriend and I were talking about how if I got as into pranking and tricking him as he is into pranking and tricking me, it'd turn into an all out war. It started with the basics--soap on the toothbrush, jumping out from scary places, taping the sprayer on the sink so it sprays when you turn the water on. Then, it got terrible. Boyfriend told me he'd put cat poop in my shoes.
Suddenly, I turned it up to eleven, and told him my ultimate horrible Dinger poop plan.
He has a potato launcher, and I told him I'd load it full of cat poop and shoot him with it from the top of the stairs as he came through the door.
We then decided that it had gone too far, and that Dinger poop should never be used for pranks.
So, we did what must be done, we made a pact and shook on it.
It's kind of horrible that a pact to never use the cat's poop for a prank had to be made, but it's one of the reasons we're so twisted and awesome. :)
Also, have a Dinger picture.
Lightning Paradox

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
The Crack Leopard
We have named Schrödinger's evil alter-ego, the one that goes crazy and attacks us when she gets too excited. It is called...The crack leopard. It even has a whole theme-song (without a tune so make up your own).
Beware the beast that has one ear
She’s lurking behind the door
Her madness fueled by innocent fear
Driven by the need for more
The crack leopard emerges from the deepest depths
Of little Schrodinger’s brain
Like a crazy person hooked on meth
She suddenly becomes insane
When the crack leopard takes hold
Beware the belly trap
She’ll spring on your arm and grab a-hold
And turn on you in a snap
Dinger the cat is super cute
When she wants to be
But the crack leopard will punish you
For being tricked so easily
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Lightning Paradox is now on FACEBOOK!
Yes, now all you Facebook-junkies can "like" us on there.
Everyone rush over right now and do it, every "like" gives Dinger a belly rub, and you don't turn down a belly rub when a kitty offers it. :3
EDIT: Also, I've added the option to react to every post in the blog, and unlike Facebook, there is a dislike button.
(hint: click the picture)
Everyone rush over right now and do it, every "like" gives Dinger a belly rub, and you don't turn down a belly rub when a kitty offers it. :3
EDIT: Also, I've added the option to react to every post in the blog, and unlike Facebook, there is a dislike button.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
A non-Schrödinger update.
A few people have asked me if I was going to do an update any time soon, and I've said the same thing to all of them, that I need to get around to doing it. But, I usually write about Dinger, and she's currently staying with Spencer, at his mom's house while we're away from our apartment for winter break.
I also haven't gotten around to doing much because I got an Amazon Kindle. It's effing a-ma-zing. Except for the fact that I've completely thrown off any kind of sleep schedule that I didn't even really have before I got it.
I also haven't gotten around to doing much because I got an Amazon Kindle. It's effing a-ma-zing. Except for the fact that I've completely thrown off any kind of sleep schedule that I didn't even really have before I got it.
I usually start reading relatively early, excited to get going where I left off.
I have a bad habit of letting books eat at me until they've been finished. This is especially bad with series'.
Then it gets a little bit late, still not crazy late or anything, but my eyes are getting a tiny bit tired. I go on, figuring I've got a lot of time left before I'm going to be ready to sleep.
I end up in a crazed state, where my eyes are actually pretty wonky because I'd been staring at text for so many hours, but I tell myself I'll only read another chapter at absolute most, hopefully a few more pages.
This is when the most exciting, cliff-hanging, nail biting, important to the plot even in the story happens, and I MUST read on to find out what happens.
I then almost always end up looking at the clock when 4AM is trying to roll around, always a little bit disappointed that I didn't end up going to bed earlier, so I didn't want to sleep forever the next day.
And, in case anyone's wondering what I've been reading the most, it's The Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris. I'm a True Blood fan, and it piqued my interest, so I'm stuck right in the middle of a series. x)
I also apologize for the touch-pad MSPaint drawings. I'm just being lazy.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Angry Donut.
Schrödinger doesn't like to listen, and she really doesn't like to sit still. Almost every time we try to make her sit down with us she just wiggles around and fights us, no matter how hard she is purring or secretly wants us to pet her, she fights as hard as she can to jump off the couch. She then proceeds to sit literally a foot away and actually sigh, and then look at us, all partially angry.
She also acts like she is entitled to any and all snacks we are trying to eat. She goes to the end of the hallway and zooms as fast as she can going, "BRRRRRRRT" and runs through your legs. She grabs your feet, and stands up and makes her cutest out-of-the-side-of-her-mouth meow. Then, when you inevitably don't give her the food, she does the same sigh she always does and stares at you, all partially angry.
This is where the anger builds up, while she's staring. Usually she'll let out another "BRRRRT" and pin her one ear back, and look all mad, like she needs to find something to bite right now.
She then zooms away, to her cat bed, which is shaped like a donut, so we call it her donut. She body slams it, and kicks and bites and flips it all around, and drags herself around it in a circle.
Luckily she murders her donut instead of us. She's predictable too, every time she gets angry, she sighs out loud, makes a "BRRRRT" noise, and jumps on the donut.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
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