Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Angry Donut.

Schrödinger doesn't like to listen, and she really doesn't like to sit still. Almost every time we try to make her sit down with us she just wiggles around and fights us, no matter how hard she is purring or secretly wants us to pet her, she fights as hard as she can to jump off the couch. She then proceeds to sit literally a foot away and actually sigh, and then look at us, all partially angry. 

She also acts like she is entitled to any and all snacks we are trying to eat. She goes to the end of the hallway and zooms as fast as she can going, "BRRRRRRRT" and runs through your legs. She grabs your feet, and stands up and makes her cutest out-of-the-side-of-her-mouth meow. Then, when you inevitably don't give her the food, she does the same sigh she always does and stares at you, all partially angry. 

This is where the anger builds up, while she's staring. Usually she'll let out another "BRRRRT" and pin her one ear back, and look all mad, like she needs to find something to bite right now. 

She then zooms away, to her cat bed, which is shaped like a donut, so we call it her donut. She body slams it, and kicks and bites and flips it all around, and drags herself around it in a circle. 

Luckily she murders her donut instead of us. She's predictable too, every time she gets angry, she sighs out loud, makes a "BRRRRT" noise, and jumps on the donut. 

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